University of Chicago Library
Guide to the Sir Percy William Bunting Papers 1882-1911
© 2006 University of Chicago Library
Descriptive Summary
Title: | Bunting, Sir Percy William. Papers |
Dates: | 1882-1911 |
Size: | 3 linear feet (6 boxes) |
Repository: |
Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center
University of Chicago Library
1100 East 57th Street
Chicago, Illinois 60637 U.S.A.
Abstract: | Sir Percy W. Bunting (1836-1911), social reformer, editor. The Percy W. Bunting Papers consist of letter received by Bunting when he was editor of the Contemporary Review. Many of the letters are from prominent writers of the later Victorian literary and political scene, such as Lord Acton, Matthew Arnold, J. M. Barrie, Rupert Brooke, Robert Browning, Andrew Carnegie, G. K. Chesterton, Winston Churchill, Clemenceau, Wilkie Collins, Austin Dobsch, James A. Froude, Gladstone, Benjamin Harrison, Bret Harte, Henry James, James Russell Lowell, Sir John Lubbock, Maeterlinck, Cardinal Manning, George Meredith, Cardinal Newman, Florence Nightingale, Walter Pater, Theodore Roosevelt, George Bernard Shaw, Herbert Spencer, Robert Louis Stevenson, John A. Symonds. The letters cover the entire span of Sir Percy's editorial years on the Review, from 1882 to 1911.
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When quoting material from this collection, the preferred citation is: Bunting, Sir Percy William. Papers, [Box #, Folder #], Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center, University of Chicago Library
Biographical Note
Sir Percy W. Bunting (1836-1911) was a social reformer and editor of the Contemporary Review. He was the only son of Thomas Percival Bunting, a solicitor in Manchester. Educated at home until 1851 when he became one of the original students of Owens College, graduating as an associate in 1859. He obtained a scholarship at Pembroke College, Cambridge, graduating as B.A. in 1859. He began to practice law in 1862 at Lincoln's Inn where he acquired a large practice, from which he finally retired in 1895.
From an early age he was devoted to social reform, political liberalism, and the welfare of modern Methodism. He was very active in promoting organization of non-conformity as a national religious force. The promotion of moral purity was the social reform which engaged much of his adult energy. He visited the Continent several times in this cause, becoming an apt French and a good German scholar as a result.
In politics Bunting was a zealous liberal and admirer of Gladstone. He served on the executive committee of The National Liberal Foundation from 1880 until his death, and in 1892 he was elected to Parliament from East Islington as a Gladstone liberal.
In 1882, Bunting became editor of the Contemporary Review, founded by Alexander Strahan in 1862. Bunting remained editor until his death, conducting the Review on liberal lines. He enlisted the services of foreign contributors with whom his travels had brought him in contact, and he encouraged all writers, well known or not, who could present phases of contemporary theology, science, art, literature, and politics. He maintained a moderately advanced religious tone, and gave topics of social reform a prominent place. A firm believer in international amity, Bunting was active in the formation of the Anglo-German Friendship Society in 1911.
After he was knighted in 1908 his physical powers began to fail slowly, and he died on July 22, 1911.
Scope Note
The letters in the collection consist of those by correspondents to Sir Percy when he was editor of the Contemporary Review. Most of them are simply statements declining, for several reasons, an invitation to write for the Review. The letters from each correspondent vary in number from one by several minor figures to as many as thirty-nine by Herbert Spencer, for example. A great number of the letters are from very prominent writers of the later Victorian literary and political scene, such as Lord Acton, Matthew Arnold, J. M. Barrie, Rupert Brooke, Robert Browning, Andrew Carnegie, G. K. Chesterton, Winston Churchill, Clemenceau, Wilkie Collins, Austin Dobsch, James A. Froude, Gladstone, Benjamin Harrison, Bret Harte, Henry James, James Russell Lowell, Sir John Lubbock, Maeterlinck, Cardinal Manning, George Meredith, Cardinal Newman, Florence Nightingale, Walter Pater, Theodore Roosevelt, George Bernard Shaw, Herbert Spencer, Robert Louis Stevenson, John A. Symonds, and many others who for one reason or another Sir Percy considered worthy of appearing in the Contemporary Review. The letters cover the entire span of Sir Percy's editorial years on the Review, from 1882 to 1911.
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Subject Headings
- Acton, John Emerich Edward Dalberg Acton, Baron, 1834-1902
- Bunting, Percy William, Sir, b. 1836
- Barrie, J. M. (James Matthew), 1860-1937
- Carnegie, Andrew, 1835-1919
- Churchill, Randolph Henry Spencer, Lord, 1849-1895
- Collins, Wilkie, 1824-1889
- Gladstone, W. E. (William Ewart), 1809-1898
- James, William, 1842-1910
- Lowell, James Russell, 1819-1891
- Nightingale, Florence, 1820-1910
- Shaw, Bernard, 1856-1950
Box 1 Folder 1 | Correspondence, Abbott-Acland View digitized documents.
- Abbott, Edw. A., 2
- Abel, Carl, 4
- Aberdeen, Ishbel, 1
- Aberdane, 1
- Acland, A.H.D., 1
- Acland, Sir Thomas, 1
Box 1 Folder 2 | Correspondence, Acton-Ainger View digitized documents.
- Acton, Lord, 10
- Acworth, W.M., 1
- Adam, Jules M., 1
- Adams, C.K., 5
- Addis, W.E., 1
- Adye, Sir John, 1
- Ainger, Alfred, 2
Box 1 Folder 3 | Correspondence, Alcester-Arch View digitized documents.
- Alcester, 1
- Alcock, 1
- Aldenham, En., 1
- Aldis, M.S., 1
- Alison, A., 1
- Allen, Grant, 1
- Allen, Henry, 1
- Amos, Sheldon, 3
- Anderson, Robert, 1
- Arch, Joseph, 2
Box 1 Folder 4 | Correspondence, Archer-Arnold View digitized documents.
- Archer, T.A., 1
- Archer, Wm., 1
- Argyll, Duke of, 5
- Arnold, Arthur, 1
- Arnold, Edw. A., 1
- Arnold, Sir Edw., 8
- [Bryce, Lloyd 2]
- Arnold, Matthew, 14
Box 1 Folder 5 | Correspondence, Arthur-Austin View digitized documents.
- Arthur, William, 1
- Ashburne, 1
- Ashley, Evelyn, 1
- Asquith, H.H., 6
- Atherton, Geo. W., 1
- Atkinson, Blanche, 1
- Austin, Alfred, 4
Box 1 Folder 6 | Correspondence, Baden-Bancroft View digitized documents.
- Baden-Powell, Geo., 1
- Bailey, Philip J., 1
- Baker, Samuel W., 2
- Balfour, 7
- Ball, W.E., 1
- Ball, Robert S., 3
- Bancroft, S.R., 1
Box 1 Folder 8 | Correspondence, Barth-Beresford View digitized documents.
- Barth, T., 2
- Baxter, W.E., 2
- Begbie, Harold, 2
- Belfort, Bax. G., 1
- Bell, C. Moberly, 3
- Bellamy, Edw., , 2
- Beresford, Chester, 1
Box 1 Folder 9 | Correspondence, Besant-Binney View digitized documents.
- Besant, Walter, 6
- Bethan-Edwards, M., 1
- Bettany, G.T., 1
- Binney, J.G., 2
Box 1 Folder 10 | Correspondence, Birch-Bishop View digitized documents.
- Birch, J.W., 1
- Birrell, Aug., 7
- Bishop, I.L., 3
- Bishop, M.C., 1
Box 1 Folder 11 | Correspondence, Bismarck-Blunt View digitized documents.
- Bismarck, 1
- Bjornson, 1
- Black, Clementine, 1
- Blackie, J.S., 4
- Blackmore, R.D., 5
- Blaine, J.G., 1
- Blunt, Wilfred S., 1
Box 1 Folder 12 | Correspondence, Boughi-Boyd View digitized documents.
- Boughi, R., 4
- Bowrinot, J.G., 1
- Bowhurst, Jessie, 2
- Bourke, Robert, 1
- Boyd, 1
Box 1 Folder 13 | Correspondence, Bradbourne-Bramwell View digitized documents.
- Brabourne, 1
- Brackenbury, C.B., 4
- Bradbury, 1
- Bradley, A.C., 1
- Bradley, A.G., 1
- Braithwaite, J.B., 3
- Bramwell, 1
Box 1 Folder 14 | Correspondence, Brand-Brasso View digitized documents.
- Brand, A., 1
- Brand, S.M., 2
- Brandl, A., 1
- Brassey, Lady , 1
- Brassey, 1
- Brasso, P.L. de, 1
Box 1 Folder 15 | Correspondence, Bright-Broderick View digitized documents.
- Bright, John, 1
- [Corder, P. 2]
- Brock, A.H., 1
- Broderick, St. John, 1
- Broderick, Geo. C., 2
Box 1 Folder 16 | Correspondence, Booke-Brown View digitized documents.
- Brooke, Rupert, 1
- Brooke: see also Cross, Richard A.
- Brooks, Stopford, 8
- Brooks, Phillips, 2
- Brown, Ford M., 3
- Brown, J. Baldwin, 4
Box 1 Folder 17 | Correspondence, Browning-Buchanan View digitized documents.
- Browning, Robert, 1
- Bruce, A. B., 1
- Brunetiere, Ferd., 3
- Bryce, J., 23
- Bryce, Lloyd:see Arnold, Sir Edw.
- Buchanan, Robert, 8
Box 1 Folder 18 | Correspondence, Buckle-Butler View digitized documents.
- Buckle, Sir G. E., 1
- Burdett, Henry, 1
- Burt, Thos., 2
- Bury, St. B. de, 3
- Butler, J. E., 4
- Butler, W. F., 2
Box 1 Folder 19 | Correspondence, Cable-Carnavon View digitized documents.
- Cable, G. W., 1
- Caine, Hall, 6
- Caird, 13
- Cairns, 5
- Carnavon, 3
Box 1 Folder 20 | Correspondence, Carnegie-Cecil View digitized documents.
- Carnegie, Andrew, 4
- Carpenter, Wm. B. Bp. of Ripon, 4
- Castelar, Emilio, 2
- Cave, Alfred, 1
- Cecil, Hugh, 2
Box 1 Folder 22 | Correspondence, Chesterton-Chunder View digitized documents.
- Chesterton, Gilbert , 2
- Cheyne, T. K., 5
- Child, Gilbert W., 2
- Childers, Hugh E., 2
- Chunder Sen, Reshub, 1
Box 1 Folder 23 | Correspondence, Church-Churchill View digitized documents.
- Church, R. W., 4
- Churchill, Randolph, 5
- Churchill, Winston, 2
Box 1 Folder 24 | Correspondence, Clancy-Clark View digitized documents.
- Clancy, J. J., 3
- Clark, Sir Andrew, 1
- Clark, William, 2
Box 1 Folder 25 | Correspondence, Clemenceau-Colenso View digitized documents.
- Clemenceau, 1
- Clerk, Agnes M., 1
- Cobbe, Francis N., 11
- Clough, A. H., 1
- Colenso, 1
Box 1 Folder 26 | Correspondence, Coleridge-Colvin View digitized documents.
- Coleridge, Ld. Judge, 14
- Colles, Wm. Morris, 1
- Collins, J. C., 4
- Collins, Wilkie, 3
- Colvin, A., 1
Box 1 Folder 27 | Correspondence, Cook-Courtenay View digitized documents.
- Cook, Edward T., 2
- Cook, Joseph, 1
- Corder, Percy: see Bright, John
- Courtenay, Leonard , 24
Box 1 Folder 28 | Correspondence, Cowen-Craven View digitized documents.
- Cowen, Joseph, 2
- Cowper, 3
- Cox, George W., 3
- Craik, D. W., 1
- Craven, Florence, 1
Box 2 Folder 1 | Correspondence, Crawford-Crispi View digitized documents.
- Crawford, Emily, 15
- Crawford, Dan, 1
- Crawford, Marion, 1
- Creighton, Mandell, 3
- Crispi, Francesco, 14
Box 2 Folder 2 | Correspondence, Crockett-Cunninghame View digitized documents.
- Crockett, S. N., 2
- Croke, T. W., Archbp.of Cashel, 1
- Cromer, 1
- Cross, Richard Assheton [Brooke], 2
- Cunningham, J. T., 2
- Cunninghame-Graham, R.B., 2
Box 2 Folder 4 | View digitized documents.
- Dale, R. W., 15
- Dallinger, W. H., 1
- Danberry, J. H., 1
- Darmesteter, James, 7
- Darmesteter, Mary [Robinson], 8
Box 2 Folder 5 | Correspondence, Daudet-Davitt View digitized documents.
- Daudet, Alphonse, 1
- Davey, 1
- Davidson, A. B., 1
- Davidson, Randall, Bp. of Winchester, 1
- Davies, J. Llewellyn , 3
- Davitt, Nichael, 7
Box 2 Folder 7 | Correspondence, DeLille-Derby View digitized documents.
- DeLille, Edward, 2
- Delitz, Friedrich, 1
- DeMorgan, Wm., 2
- Derby, 6
Box 2 Folder 8 | Correspondence, Dicey-Dilke View digitized documents.
- Dicey, Albert V., 10
- Dicey, Arnold, 1
- Dilke, Charles, 1
- Dilke, Samuel W., 3
Box 2 Folder 9 | Correspondence, Dillon-Dixon View digitized documents.
- Dillon, E. J., 28
- Dillon, John, 3
- Dillwyn, 1
- Dixon, R. V., 1
Box 2 Folder 10 | Correspondence, Dobson-Douglas View digitized documents.
- Dobson, Austin, 2
- Dods, Marcus, 1
- Doellinger, 1
- Donaldson, James, 1
- Douglas, Fred., 1
- Douglas, George C. M., 1
Box 2 Folder 11 | Correspondence, Dowden-Dufferin View digitized documents.
- Dowden, Edward, 23
- Drinkwater, John, 2
- Driver, S. R., 6
- Drummond, henry, 2
- Dufferin and AVA, 1
Box 2 Folder 12 | Correspondence, Duffy-Dykes View digitized documents.
- Duffy, C. Gavan, 32
- Dunckley, Henry, 6
- Duperoy, Emile G., 2
- Durham, 1
- Dykes, J. Oswald, 1
Box 2 Folder 13 | Correspondence, Ebers-Esher View digitized documents.
- Ebers, George M., 3
- Edkims, Joseph, 1
- Ellicott, C. J., 3
- Escott, T. H. S., 4
- Esher, 2
Box 2 Folder 14 | Correspondence, Fairbairn-Fitzgerald View digitized documents.
- Fairbairn, A. M., 8
- Faithful, Edith, 1
- Farrer, T. N., 14
- Fawcett, Henry, 1
- Fawcett, M. G., 2
- Ferrier, David, 1
- Field, J., 3
- Field, Michael, 9
- Finot, Jean, 2
- Fisher, 1
- Fisher, John, 1
- Fitzgerald, C., 1
- Fitzgerald, Percy, 4
Box 2 Folder 15 | Correspondence, Fitzmaurice-Foxwell View digitized documents.
- Fitzmaurice, E., 2
- Flint, R., 1
- Forbes, Archbp., 4
- Forster, W. E., 2
- Foxwell, H. S., 3
Box 2 Folder 18 | Correspondence, G-Gautier View digitized documents.
- G- - - - L. C. (?), 1
- Gambetta, Leon, 2
- Ganneau, Claremont, 3
- Gardiner, Samuel R., 1
- Gautier, J., 1
Box 2 Folder 19 | Correspondence, Geddes-Gennadnis View digitized documents.
- Geddes, Patrick, 8
- Geffcken, 16
- Geibel, G., 1
- Geikie, Sir Arch., 3
- Gennadnis, 1
Box 2 Folder 20 | Correspondence, George-Gladden View digitized documents.
- George, Henry, 3
- Gerard, Emily de L., 1
- Gibson, Ed., 4
- Giffen, R., 4
- Gladden, Washington, 2
Box 3 Folder 2 | Correspondence, Gneist-Goodwin View digitized documents.
- Gneist, 6
- Godet, Frederic, 10
- Godkins, E. L. , 2
- Goodwin, Harvey, Bp. of Carlisle, 4
Box 3 Folder 3 | Correspondence, Gordon-Gosse View digitized documents.
- Gordon, Arthur, 2
- Gordon, H. W. , 6
- Gore, Charles, 3
- Goschen, G., 6
- Gosse, Edmund, 8
Box 3 Folder 4 | Correspondence, Grant-Greenwood View digitized documents.
- Grant Duff, H. E., 10
- Granville, 2
- Greenwood, F., 5
- Greenwood, J. G., 1
Box 3 Folder 5 | Correspondence, Greg-Grey View digitized documents.
- Greg, Percy, 2
- Greshoff, 1
- Grey, A. H. G., 4th Earl of Falladon, 2
- Grey, Edward, 1st Viscount, 4
- Grey, Sir George, 1
Box 3 Folder 7 | Correspondence, Haggard-Hamerton View digitized documents.
- Haggard, H. Rider, 2
- Haldane, R. B., 2
- Hale, Lonsdale
- Halifax, 1
- Halsburg, H. S. Gifford, 1st Earl, 2
- Hamerton, P. G., 9
Box 3 Folder 8 | Correspondence, Hamilton-Harcourt View digitized documents.
- Hamilton, George, 2
- Hamilton King, H. G. see King
- Hamley, W. G., 1
- Hammond, J. G., 1
- Hammond, Joseph, 1
- Hampden, 7
- Harcourt, 5
Box 3 Folder 9 | Correspondence, Hardy-Harris View digitized documents.
- Hardy, Thomas, 5
- Harmsworth, Alfred, 1
- Harnack, Adolf von, 5
- Harris, J. K., 4
Box 3 Folder 10 | Correspondence, Harrison, B.-Harrison, F. View digitized documents.
- Harrison, Benj. (Pres. of U. S.), 1
- Harrison, Frederic, 24
Box 3 Folder 11 | Correspondence, Hart-Haweis View digitized documents.
- Hart, Robert, 2
- Harte, Bret, 1
- Hartog, Marcus, 1
- Hatch, Edwin, 6
- Haweis, H. R., 4
Box 3 Folder 12 | Correspondence, Healy-Herford View digitized documents.
- Healy, T. M., 2
- Heard, J. B., 1
- Heath, Richard, 5
- Hedin, Sven, 2
- Helmholz, Anna von, 1
- Henley, W. E., 2
- Herbert, A., 1
- Hereford, 2
- Herford, C. H., 1
Box 3 Folder 13 | Correspondence, Herschell-Holland View digitized documents.
- Herschell, 1
- Herzl, Thomas, 1
- Hildegrand, K., 5
- Hill, G. B., 1
- Hobhouse, Sir Arthur, 11
- Hobhouse, L. T., 1
- Hobson, J. A., 1
- Holland, H. S., 5
Box 3 Folder 14 | Correspondence, Hollwig-Hort View digitized documents.
- Hollwig, E. Bethmann, 1
- Holycake, 1
- Hopkins, Ellice, 3
- Hore, Edward C., 1
- Hornby, 1
- Hort, J. A., 2
Box 3 Folder 15 | Correspondence, Horton-Hughes View digitized documents.
- Horton, R. F., 4
- Houston, E. Caulfield, 6
- Hugel, F. von, 2
- Hughes, T. J., 1
Box 3 Folder 16 | Correspondence, Hunt-Hyacinthe View digitized documents.
- Hunt, W. Holman, 10
- Hunter, Sir William W., 15
- Hutton, Richard H., 14
- Huxley, T. H., 7
- Hyder, Joseph, 1
- Hyndman, H. M., 3
- Hyacinthe, Pere: see Loyson, C.
Box 3 Folder 17 | Correspondence, Ilbert-Jacobs View digitized documents.
- Ilbert, C. P., 4
- Illingworth, 3
- Irby, A. P., 3
- Jacks, L. P., 3
- Jacobs, W. W., 1
Box 3 Folder 18 | Correspondence, James-Jennings View digitized documents.
- James, Henry, 2
- James, William, 3
- Jaynes F. J., Bp. of Chester, 1
- Jebb, R. C., 9
- Jenkins, Edward, 3
- Jennings, L. J., 4
Box 3 Folder 19 | Correspondence, Jessop-Jowett View digitized documents.
- Jessop, Augustus, 6
- Jevons, F. B., 1
- Jones, E. Burne, 1
- Jones, Henry, 4
- Jowett, Benjamin, 3
Box 3 Folder 20 | Correspondence, Jukes-Kidd View digitized documents.
- Jukes-Browne, A. J., 1
- Keltie, J. S., 1
- Kemble, Francis A., 2
- Kennedy, H. Arthur, 4
- Kidd, Benjamin, 1
Box 3 Folder 21 | Correspondence, King-Kirkpatrick View digitized documents.
- King, Bolton, 1
- King, Edward, Bp. of Lincoln, 1
- King, H. G. Hamilton, 2
- King, Joseph, 2
- Kirkpatrick, A. F., 1
Box 3 Folder 22 | Correspondence, Kirkup-Kropotkin View digitized documents.
- Kirkup, T., 1
- Knight, F. A., 5
- Knight, William, 1
- Kravchinskit, Sergei, 7
- Kropotkin, 3
Box 4 Folder 1 | Correspondence, Labouchere-Lanormant View digitized documents.
- Labouchere, Sir H., 3
- Lafargue, Paul, 1
- Lang, A., 10
- Lang, S., 1
- Lanormant, F., 1
Box 4 Folder 2 | Correspondence, Larminie-Lecky, E. View digitized documents.
- Larminie, W., 1
- Lascalles, Frank C., 3
- Laurier, Sir Wilfred, 2
- Laveleye, Ede, 13
- Lecky, Elisabeth, 1
Box 4 Folder 3 | Correspondence, Lecky, W.-Le Gallienne View digitized documents.
- Lecky, W. H. E., 10
- Leclere, Max, 1
- Lee, Sidney, 5
- Lefevre, C. Shaw, 3
- Le Gallienne, Richard, 1
Box 4 Folder 4 | Correspondence, Leighton-Lettibridge View digitized documents.
- Leighton, 7
- Leland, C. G., 1
- Leppington, Blanche, 2
- Lessesp, Charles A., 1
- Lettibridge, Roper, 1
Box 4 Folder 5 | Correspondence, Lidderdale-Little View digitized documents.
- Lidderdale, W., 1
- Liddon, 4
- Lightfoot, J. B.,Bp. of Durham, 5
- Lilly, 5
- Little, W. J. K., 1
Box 4 Folder 6 | Correspondence, Lock-Loreburn View digitized documents.
- Lock, 2
- Lock, C. S., 1
- Lodge, Oliver, 6
- Lombroso, C., 5
- Loreburn, 3
Box 4 Folder 7 | Correspondence, Lorier-Lucy View digitized documents.
- Lorier, 3
- Louis Philippe,
- Conte de Paris, 1
- Lowell, James Russell, 3
- Loyson, C.
- [Hyacinthe, Pere, 5]
- Lubbock, Sir John, 5
- Lucy, Sir Henry W., 1
Box 4 Folder 9 | Correspondence, McCarthy-MacDonald View digitized documents.
- McCarthy, Jusin, 3
- MacColl, Malcolm, 2
- MacDermott, M., 1
- MacDonald, Frederika, 1
- MacDonald, John, 1
Box 4 Folder 10 | Correspondence, MacDonnell-Mackonochie View digitized documents.
- MacDonnell, John, 1
- McGlynn, Edward, 1
- Mackenzie, Morell, 4
- Mackonochie, A. H., 2
Box 4 Folder 11 | Correspondence, Macleod-Mahaffy View digitized documents.
- Macleod, Donald, 2
- McMinn, C. W., 1
- Maeterlinck, M., 1
- Magee, Wm. C., Bp.of Peterborough, 8
- Mahaffy, J. C., 1
Box 4 Folder 12 | Correspondence, Mahan-Mann View digitized documents.
- Mahan, Adm. A. J., 3
- Maine, H. J. 4
- Maitland, Edward, 1
- Malcom, N., 2
- Malfee, K. N., 1
- Malleson, J. P., 1
- Mallock, W. H., 8
- Mann, J. S., 1
Box 4 Folder 13 | Correspondence, Manning-Martin View digitized documents.
- Manning, Cardinal, 13
- Markham, Herbert, 1
- Marshall, Alfred, 2
- Martin, Abbe, 1
- Martin, Sir Theo., 4
Box 4 Folder 14 | Correspondence, Martineau-May View digitized documents.
- Martineau, James, 8
- Masham, 1
- Massingham, 1
- Maurice, F., 3
- May, T. Erskine, 1
Box 4 Folder 15 | Correspondence, Meredith-Monler View digitized documents.
- Meredith, George, 2
- Mergoliati, D. J., 1
- Miller, Wm., 1
- Milligan, Wm., 1
- Milner, 1
- Ninto, W., 1
- Mivart, 2
- Moffat, 1
- Molesworth, L., 2
- Monler, Hewitt, 2
Box 4 Folder 16 | Correspondence, Monod-Morison View digitized documents.
- Monod, Gabriel, 4
- Monro, John, 4
- Monteagle, 1
- Moorhouse, J., Bp. of Manchester, 1
- Morgan, G. Osborne, 1
- Morgan, John W., 1
- Morison, J. C., 1
Box 4 Folder 17 | Correspondence, Morley-Moyes View digitized documents.
- Morley, John, 18
- Morneni, Alfred, 1
- Morris, Sir Lewis, 4
- Morrison, M. A., 2
- Mott, J. R., 1
- Moyes, J. Canon, 1
Box 4 Folder 18 | Correspondence, Muller-Mulhall View digitized documents.
- Muller, F. Max, 28
- Muir, Wm., 2
- Mulhall, Michael G., 3
Box 4 Folder 19 | Correspondence, Mundella-Myers View digitized documents.
- Mundella, 2
- Munro, J. S. C., 1
- Murray, D. Christie, 2
- Murray, John 1
- Myers, F. W. H., 3
Box 4 Folder 20 | Correspondence, Nasse-Nicoll View digitized documents.
- Nasse, Ervin, 2
- Newbolt, Henry, 1
- Newman, Cardinal, 4
- Newman, F. W., 7
- Nicholson, J. S., 1
- Nicoll, W. R., 4
Box 4 Folder 21 | Correspondence, Nightengale-Norton View digitized documents.
- Nightengale, Florence, 14
- Noel, Lord Roden, 1
- Norinson, 1
- Norman, Henry , 2
- Northbrook, 1
- Norton, 2
Box 4 Folder 22 | Correspondence, Novikoff-O'Hagen View digitized documents.
- Novikoff, Olga, 3
- Nyal (Hyak?), A. C., 1
- O' Connor, T. P., 4
- O'Hagen, John, 1
Box 4 Folder 23 | Correspondence, O'Leary-Paget View digitized documents.
- O'Leary, John, 3
- Oliphant, L., 2
- Oliphant, M. O. W., 15
- Oliver, Sidney, 1
- Orr, A., 6
- Paget, Violet, 21
Box 5 Folder 1 | Correspondence, Paley-Parkes View digitized documents.
- Paley, F. A., 1
- Pall, Wm., 1
- Palmer, W., 1
- Parker, 1
- Parker, C. S., 1
- Parker, Sir G., 2
- Parkes, Sir H., 5
Box 5 Folder 2 | Correspondence, Pater-Pfeiffer View digitized documents.
- Pater, Walter, 3
- Paton, J. P., 1
- Pattison, Mark, 3
- Paul, H. W., 1
- Pears, Sir Ed., 6
- Peel, 1
- Perowne, J. J. S., 6
- Petersen-Studnitz, 1
- Petrie, W. M. F., 1
- Peyton, W. W., 3
- Pfeiffer, E., 1
Box 5 Folder 3 | Correspondence, Phelps-Prinsep View digitized documents.
- Phelps, E. D., 4
- Picton, J. A., 1
- Playfair, Lyon, 6
- Plimsoll, Sam., 1
- Plumptre, E. H., 2
- Pollock, F., 1
- Poole, R. L., 2
- Pressenso, F. de, 2
- Price, L. L., 1
- Prinsep, Sir V. C., 1
Box 5 Folder 4 | Correspondence, Quarenghi-Rainey View digitized documents.
- Quarenghi, C. Fandini d', 1
- Quiller-Crouch, Sir Arthur, 3
- Quilter, Harry, 4
- Rainey, R., 1
Box 5 Folder 5 | Correspondence, Raleigh-Rea View digitized documents.
- Raleigh, T., 1
- Raleigh, Walter, 2
- Ramee, Louise de la, 9
- Ramsay, William, 7
- Rawnsley, H. D., 4
- Read, C. S., 1
- Rea, John, 6
Box 5 Folder 7 | Correspondence, Renan-Ritchie View digitized documents.
- Renan, E., 1
- Resney, Isabel, 1
- Rhodes, 1
- Rhys-Davids, T. W., 1
- Riley, Athelstane, 1
- Ripon, 6
- Risley, H. H., 2
- Ritchie, Anne, 1
Box 5 Folder 8 | Correspondence, Roberts-Rosebury View digitized documents.
- Roberts, 3
- Robinson, H., 3
- Robinson, P., 3
- Robinson, R. S., 1
- Robinson: see also Darmesteter, Mary Roffey, A. W., 4
- Rogers, J. E. T., 4
- Romanes, G. J., 6
- Roosevelt, Theodore, 1
- Roscoe, H. E., 3
- Rosebery, A. P., 8
Box 5 Folder 9 | Correspondence, Rossetti-Rothschild View digitized documents.
- Rosetti, L. M., 1
- Rosetti, Wm., 1
- Rothschild, 2
- Runciman, J., 3
- Russell, Sir E., 3
- Russell, George, 4
- Russell, Wm. C., 6
- Russell, Wm. H., 3
Box 5 Folder 10 | Correspondence, Russell-RyderRule View digitized documents.
- Russell of Killower, 3
- RyderRyle, G. C., Bp. Of Liverpool, 2
Box 5 Folder 11 | Correspondence, Sabatier-Samuel View digitized documents.
- Sabatier, Paul, 10
- St. Aldwyn, M. E. H., 1
- Salisbury, 4
- Salmon, G., 16
- Samuel, Saul, 1
Box 5 Folder 12 | Correspondence, Sanday-Schreiber View digitized documents.
- Sanday, W., 3
- Sandberg, G., 3
- Sanderson, G. B., 4
- Sandhurst, M., 1
- Saunders, G., 1
- Saville, Ernest, 1
- Say, Leon, 1
- Sayce, Leon, 1
- Schloss, D. F., 2
- Schreiber, J., 1
Box 5 Folder 13 | Correspondence, Schreiner-Shaftesbury View digitized documents.
- Schreiner, Olive, 2
- Schuman, Clara, 1
- Schurer, Emile, 3
- Scott, Clement, 3
- Secretan, 2
- Seebohm, F., 2
- Seeley, J. R., 19
- Selborne, 3
- Severn, J. R., 1
- Shaftesbury, 2
Box 5 Folder 14 | Correspondence, Shaw-Shorthouse View digitized documents.
- Shaw, Albert, 7
- Shaw, Flora L., 2
- Shaw, George B., 2
- Sheldon, Chas. M., 1
- Sherbrooke, 1
- Shore, Arabella, 1
- Shore, T. T., 1
- Shorter, C., 1
- Shorthouse, H., 5
Box 5 Folder 15 | Correspondence, Sidgwick-Smith View digitized documents.
- Sidgwick, 2
- Sigerson, 1
- Simon, Jules, 9
- Sims, George R., 2
- Sinnett, A. V., 2
- Smith, A. L., 1
- Smith, G., 17
- Smith, H. L., 1
- Smith, J. P., 1
Box 6 Folder 1 | Correspondence, Spender-Stead View digitized documents.
- Spender, Harold, 2
- Stainer, John, 1
- Stalker, James, 1
- Stanley, 10
- Stead, 9
Box 6 Folder 2 | Correspondence, Steffen-Stephens View digitized documents.
- Steffen, Gustav, 1
- Stephens, Alfred, 2
- Stephens, Sir James F., 2
- Stephens, H. Morse, 1
- Stephens, James, 1
- Stephens, Leslie, 9
Box 6 Folder 3 | Correspondence, Stevenson-Stillman View digitized documents.
- Stevenson, Francis J., 1
- Stevenson, Francis S., 1
- Stevenson, Robert
- Louis, 7
- Stillman, Wm. James, 41
Box 6 Folder 4 | Correspondence, Stokes-Swanwick View digitized documents.
- Stokes, G. G., 1
- Stokes, G. T., 2
- Stubbs, Charles, 2
- Stubbs, W., Bp. of Chester, 3
- Sutherland, Millicent, 1
- Swanwick, Anna, 1
Box 6 Folder 5 | Correspondence, Swinburne-Symons View digitized documents.
- Swinburne, A. C., 1
- Symonds, John A., 2
- Symons, Arthur, 1
Box 6 Folder 6 | Correspondence, Tabor-Tagore View digitized documents.
- Tabor, Mary C., 1
- Tadema, Sir L. A., 1
- Taft, Wm. H., 1
- Tagore, R., 1
Box 6 Folder 7 | Correspondence, Taine-Tennyson View digitized documents.
- Taine, H., 2
- Tait, P. G., 1
- Tamm, Hugo, 1
- Taylor, Isaac 1
- Tchaykovsky, N. W., 1
- Temple, Richard, 4
- Tennyson, Alfred Lord (in re:), 3
Box 6 Folder 8 | Correspondence, Thompson-Toole View digitized documents.
- Thompson, Stephen M., 1
- Thomson, Archbishop, 2
- Thomson, Joseph, 3
- Thring, 9
- Timms, T. Vincent, 1
- Toole, J., 1
Box 6 Folder 9 | Correspondence, Townsend-Trevelvan View digitized documents.
- Townsend, Meredith, 5
- Traill, H. D., 5
- Tuke, James H., 1
- Trevelyan, 6
Box 6 Folder 10 | Correspondence, Tupper-Tyndall View digitized documents.
- Tupper, Charles, 1
- Twining, Miss L., 1
- Tyndall, John, 12
Box 6 Folder 11 | Correspondence, Udney-Vincent View digitized documents.
- Udney, L., 4
- Underwood, F. H., 2
- Unwin, T. F., 1
- Vaughn, 1
- Vere, Aubry de, 7
- Villari, P., & Linda, 4
- Villiers, C. P., 1
- Vincent, Claude, 2
Box 6 Folder 12 | Correspondence, Vincent-Vivian View digitized documents.
- Vincent, Sir Edgar, 2
- Vinogradoff, P., 7
- Vivian, Herbert, 3
Box 6 Folder 13 | Correspondence, Wace-Ward View digitized documents.
- Wace, Henry, 1
- Wachs, Otto, 5
- Waddington, 1
- Wade, E., 1
- Wade, John, 3
- Walker, F. W., 1
- Wallace, D. M., 1
- Walsh, Wm. J., Archbp. of Dublin, 2
- Ward, Humphrey and Mary A., 7
Box 6 Folder 14 | Correspondence, Ward-Webb View digitized documents.
- Ward, Lester F., 1
- Warner, Charles, 6
- Washburn, 4
- Watkins, H. W., 1
- Watson, John, 1
- Watson, Robert S., 3
- Watts - Dunton, Th., 4
- Waugh, 1
- Weardale, 2
- Webb, Sidney and Beatrice, 5
Box 6 Folder 15 | Correspondence, Wedgewood-West View digitized documents.
- Wedgewood, Julia, 1
- Weismann, A., 12
- Welldon, 3
- Wellhausen, 2
- Wells, David A., 6
- Wells, H. G., 2
- Wenley, R. N., 2
- West, A., 1
Box 6 Folder 16 | Correspondence, Westcott-Whithread View digitized documents.
- Westcott, Bp. Of Durham, 20
- Westermarck, Ed., 1
- Westlake, J., 1
- Westminster, 1
- Whithread, 1
Box 6 Folder 17 | Correspondence, White-Wogan View digitized documents.
- White, Andrew D., 1
- White, T., 1
- Whitman, Sidney, 6
- Wilberforce, B., 1
- Williamson, A., 1
- Wills, W. G., 5
- Wilser, A. J., 1
- Wilson, J. M., 7
- Witstanley, H., 3
- Wogan, 1
Box 6 Folder 18 | Correspondence, Wolf-Wordsworth View digitized documents.
- Wolf, Lucian, 1
- Wolseley, 5
- Wood, Chas. S., 1
- Wood, Sir Evelyn, 1
- Wordsworth, C., Bp. of St. Andrews, 2
Box 6 Folder 19 | Correspondence, Yeats-Zangwill View digitized documents.
- Yeats, W. B., 1
- Young, George, 1
- Zancof, 1
- Zangwill, Israel. 1
- Unidentified TLS, 1