EOS (Electronic Open Stacks) is where one can find a collection of the University of Chicago Library's image-based texts. One can navigate through these digital facsimiles by way of the digital table of contents with the page turner or by means of the page navigator. Most image-based texts produced through the Library's Digital Reformatting Program can be found as links in the online catalogue. Full-text, searchable collections of texts can be found at EFTS (Electronic Full-Text Sources).
Other Local Facsimile Projects:
- The Abraham Lincoln Songster in collaboration with Lincoln/Net
- A Century of Progress: The 1933-34 World's Fair
- Chopin Early Editions
- CRL Pamphlets and Periodicals of the French Revolution of 1848
- Dictionnaries d'autrefois (Facsimiles open to the public; full-text searches restricted to ARTFL subscribers)
- Digital South Asia Library: Books and Journals
- Electronic Reserves
- The First American West: The Ohio River Valley, 1750-1820
- Goodspeed Collection of New Testament Manuscripts
Remotely Available image-based Books:
- ACLS Humanities E-Book
- ALI RASTA (Antologie della Lirica Italiana - Raccolte a stampa)
- AnimalBase pre-1800 zoological literature, particularly publications where name-bearing zoological taxa were originally described (University of Göttingen)
- Biblioteca Digital de Obras Raras e Especiais (Brazil)
- Biblioteca Digitale delle Donne
- Biblioteca Nacional Digital
- Biblioteca Virtual del Patrimonio Bibliográfico
- Les Bibliothèques virtuelles
- Books and Periodicals in DjVu format from the University of Georgia Library.
- Catalogue of Digitized Medieval Manuscripts (CMRS, UCLA)
- Les classiques des sciences sociales
- Codices Electronici Sangallenses (CESG) from Abbey Library of St. Gall, Switzerland.
- Digital Scriptorium is an image database of medieval and renaissance manuscripts from many institutions.
- Early American Imprints. Series 1 - Evans, 1639-1800 (UofC-Access Only)
- Early American Imprints. Series 2 - Shaw-Shoemaker 1801-1819 (UofC-Access Only)
- Early English Books Online (EEBO) ProQuest (UofC-Access Only)
EEBO: Full-Text Search - Eighteenth Century Collection Online (ECCO) Gale (UofC-Access Only)
- ETANA (Electronic Tools and Ancient Near Eastern Archives)
- Evans Digital Editions (1639-1800), online counterpart of the microfiche set Early American Editions (UofC-Access Only)
- Gallica (Bibliothèque nationale de France)
- Google Book Search
- Gutenberg-e (UofC-Access Only)
- Illustrated Shakespeare (UW-Madison)
- LEMIR (Literatura Española Medieval y Renacimiento)
- Live Search Books (Microsoft)
- Manuscripts, Paleography, Codicology from Labyrinth (Georgetown University)
- netLibrary (UofC-Access Only)
- OCA Text Archive
- Online Books Page (University of Pennsylvania)
- OPAL Libri Antichi
- Oriental Institute Publications The University of Chicago
- Polimetrica Open Access Italian Publications
- ProQuest Digital Dissertations Titles published since 1997 are available in PDF digital format. (UofC-Access Only)
- Sabin Americana, 1500-1926 Gale (UofC-Access Only)
- SCETI Virtual Facsimiles (University of Pennsylvania)
- Treasures in Full (The British Library)
- Windows on the Past (Cornell University Library)
The EOS logo is a composite of some dozen ancient Greek vase paintings of the goddess Dawn (Gr. Eos). Artwork by Myrtia Mardikes.